Studio Garden

In my blog way back in February I spoke about my plans for the garden area in front of what is going to be my new work studio. It was a mound of soil covered in black plastic and had been like that since the builders left 18 months ago.

But it is no more!!!!  The Landscapers arrived last week and in three days it went from:

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The horrible old patio in front of the studio has been made bigger and replaced with gravel. We have new steps and retaining walls:

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The slope has been retained with sleepers:

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and I have started to plant up a border:

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The poor box plants which have been sat in pots for about 2 years, particularly my peacock are waiting for large holes to be dug so that they can be planted. I particularly hope that the ball and cone will recover as they currently look a bit worse for wear:

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Next job is to get the grass seed down to join this garden with the side garden, make a wildflower meadow in the space to the side of the studio up to the retaining wall and refurbish the studio inside as it hasn’t been used for years. It also needs a new roof. So, not a lot to do then…..

A Right Royal Occasion

This week saw a trip to London to see our eldest son play with his School Brass Band at the Royal Albert Hall.  They were taking part in a concert called ‘Echoes 5’ organised by Bucks County Council Music Services, along with 59 other Primary Schools.  There was lots of singing, African Drums, Woodwind and Brass.  It was a truly amazing experience to see schools working together in such a great way after such limited rehearsal time – they all spent lots of time rehearsing their own parts in school, but only came together for one full rehearsal.

Great to see music in Schools being promoted and supported in such a positive way in a time where local government services are struggling with cuts.
